Application Display of Electric Power Industry
  • Power

  • Transmission

  • Transformation

  • Distribution

  • Consumption

  • Power generation

    Higher input and output voltage levels can reduce the line losses of AC and DC side and the winding losses of transformer low-voltage side . The system efficiency of the power station is expected to increase by 1.5-2%. At the same time, the power density of the equipment increases and the volume decreases, which reduces the transportation and maintenance costs, achieving cost reduction and efficiency increase.

  • Transmission

    With the upgrading of technology in the field of power transmission, power transmission gradually changed from distribution voltage, high voltage, extra high voltage and ultra-high voltage, then completed the high-power medium distance transmission, long-distance transmission, and finally realized the long-distance power system interconnection.

  • Transformation

    In power transformation, it is necessary to monitor and control the voltage, current and other parameters by various devices to ensure the power quality and equipment safety.

  • Distribution

    The power supply unit of DTU/FTU system mainly considers the system continuity power supply requirements, EMC protection and high isolation power supply of telemetry system.

  • Consumption

    The new smart meter technology requires higher levels of communication interfaces, large-capacity memory and microprocessors, as well as ultra-wide voltage input, low power consumption, ultra-small size and high-level EMC protection for the power supply.




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