
Our product's UL certification after May 1, 2024, is currently invalid. We are working diligently to resolve this. We apologize and appreciate your understanding.


MORNSUN_Signal Isolation - Isolation Amplifier_TxxxxP

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Product No. Input Signal Type Output Signal Type Vin(VDC) Vout(VDC) Package Footprint & 3D Datasheet Sample
T1133P 4~20mA 4~20mA 24 24 DIP24
T1430P 4~20mA 1~5V 24 - DIP24
T1130P 4~20mA 4~20mA 24 - DIP24
T4130P 1~5V 4~20mA 24 - DIP24
T1433P 4~20mA 1~5V 24 24 DIP24
T4630P 1~5V 0~5V 24 - DIP24
T6560P 0~5V 0~10V 5 - DIP24
T1450P 4~20mA 1~5V 12 - DIP24
T1530P 4~20mA 0~10V 24 - DIP24
T5133P 0~10V 4~20mA 24 24 DIP24
T1533P 4~20mA 0~10V 24 24 DIP24
T1630P 4~20mA 0~5V 24 - DIP24
T1633P 4~20mA 0~5V 24 24 DIP24
T1650P 4~20mA 0~5V 12 - DIP24
T5530P 0~10V 0~10V 24 - DIP24
T1S33P-2.5 4~20mA 0~2.5V 24 24 DIP24
T5533P 0~10V 0~10V 24 24 DIP24
T2230P 0~20mA 0~20mA 24 - DIP24
T2233P 0~20mA 0~20mA 24 24 DIP24
T2633P 0~20mA 0~5V 24 24 DIP24
T5555P 0~10V 0~10V 12 12 DIP24
T2650P 0~20mA 0~5V 12 - DIP24
T5630P 0~10V 0~5V 24 - DIP24
T5650P 0~10V 0~5V 12 - DIP24
T5660P 0~10V 0~5V 5 - DIP24
T5130P 0~10V 4~20mA 24 - DIP24
T6130P 0~5V 4~20mA 24 - DIP24
T6150P 0~5V 4~20mA 12 - DIP24
T5150P 0~10V 4~20mA 12 - DIP24
T6230P 0~5V 0~20mA 24 - DIP24
T5230P 0~10V 0~20mA 24 - DIP24
T6233P 0~5V 0~20mA 24 24 DIP24
T6235P 0~5V 0~20mA 24 12 DIP24
T6250P 0~5V 0~20mA 12 - DIP24
T5535P 0~10V 0~10V 24 12 DIP24
T6530P 0~5V 0~10V 24 - DIP24
T5544P 0~10V 0~10V 15 15 DIP24
T5550P 0~10V 0~10V 12 - DIP24
T6630P 0~5V 0~5V 24 - DIP24
T6S60P-3 0~5V 0~3V 5 - DIP24
T6650P 0~5V 0~5V 12 - DIP24

* For reference only. The detailed info please refer to the datasheet.




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