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Power Supply Requirements for Medical Devices

Power Supply Requirements for Medical Devices

As modern medical equipment becomes increasingly more smart and convenient, there is an even stronger need for power supplies that are compact, lightweight, efficient, cost-effective, reliable, and super-safe.

Power Supply Design of Logistics Robot

Power Supply Design of Logistics Robot

According to the 2021 Robotics report released by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the robot market has a turnover of more than 6.3 billion dollars, of which logistics robots account for one-third. It can be predicted that logistics robots

Power Supply Requirements for Railway Applications

Power Supply Requirements for Railway Applications

The limited space of the train means that power supplies need to be more high-performing while also maintaining the same volume or becoming even smaller. This trend leads the way for railway power supplies with higher power density and smaller dimensions.

An Overview of Power Supplies for OVC III Applications

An Overview of Power Supplies for OVC III Applications

In the case of overvoltage, more pressure is put on the overall power supply as the voltage suddenly increases and exceeds its design limit. To ensure adequate user safety, the IEC specification defines four categories of overvoltage.

Power Supply Requirements for Electricity Metering Systems

Power Supply Requirements for Electricity Metering Systems

Electricity metering systems are deployed for utilities to measure the exact amount of power delivered to customers. In this article, we will gather an overview of electricity metering systems and their power supply requirements, and discuss how Mornsun c

Power Supply Solutions for Wireless Base Stations Applications

Power Supply Solutions for Wireless Base Stations Applications

The telecommunications infrastructure and equipment is becoming increasingly more sophisticated, as wireless technology evolves, so does the need for increasingly more reliable power supplies.




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