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MORNSUN ultra-compact AC/DC converters LD-R2 series
MORNSUN's ultra-compact AC/DC converter LD-R2 series is the ideal power supply for applications with space limitations. With the universal input voltage of 85 VAC to 305 VAC, an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C, and efficiency of 87%, the LD-

MORNSUN Photovoltaic Power Supply PV-29Bxx Series
Mornsun's photovoltaic power supply PVxx-29Bxx series are regulated DC-DC converters with an ultra-wide DC input of 200-1500VDC. This PVxx-29Bxx series features high efficiency, high reliability, high insulation, and a high level of safety and is widely u

MORNSUN 305RAC AC-DC Converter - Reliable under All Conditions
MORNSUN 85-305VAC input AC-DC converters ensure stable and reliable performance under almost any harsh conditions. Best-in-class performance. Handle the voltage fluctuation easily. High-input-voltage capability, high-low-temperature reliability, high-humi

MORNSUN Power 15-1000W Enclosed Switching Power Supplies LM/LMF series
The 15-1000W LM-23B series of enclosed power supply in MORNSUN 305RAC(reliable under all conditions) family, can be widely used in applications of industrial control, street light control, security, telecommunication, smart home, LED, etc.

MORNSUN 150W 250VDC~1500VDC ultra-wide input voltage DC-DC converter
The PV150-29Bxx series features 4000 VAC isolation voltage and a wide input voltage range of 250 VDC to 1500 VDC. Its efficiency is up to 84% at 800 V input voltage. PV150-29Bxx series also provides output voltages of 12 V, 15 V, 24 V, and 48 V.

MORNSUN 30-480W compact ACDC DIN-Rail power supplies are widely used in many applications
These cost-effective, compact AC/DC DIN-Rail power supplies LI/LIF series are perfectly suited for applications with limited space and can be widely used in Building Automation, Industrial Control, Electric Power, Medical, Railway, Petrochemical Industry